iTunes vs. MediaPlayer


I've just seen MediaPlayer again for the first time in absolute *yonks* (i.e. donkey's years), and it suddenly seems to have *all* the features of iTunes (vis a vis play lists, for example) ---> now, I was wondering which app got them first. I have my suspicions, but they're totally unfounded (i.e., I'd say that iTunes had them first - but that's entirely bias and not founded on any hard facts) ... can anyone out there give me the definitive answer??


Media Player is an app similar to Quicktime....the new features are something done in the last year as far as I can remember. iTunes has been out considerably longer withmost of its features from the start.

The first thing they copied (M$) from iTunes was the Visuals...then more, and more.....ususal way things happens. Apple innovates and M$ copies.
Don't you love how Microsoft manages to copy all the good stuff about iTunes except the interface? I love that complicated, clashing color crap. :rolleyes:
Even if they copied the interface, they'd say they came up with it.....go figure.
are you serous, thats a joke, no comparison. I went to see what was wrong with my site from reports i was getting from PC users... I swear, Windows is garbage. X is so smooth and clean, windows, it's hard to describe, garbage is one word that keeps coming to mind. I have been using Macs and PCs since i was about 6. I'm 23 now... that disliking of Windows still remains. Damn i remember my first experience on a Mac back in 1st grade, remember Number Munchers?

OK, way off topic.
what deal? My site? It was an embed tag problem. My sisters PC, that i don't know. I would get my money back and get a iMac, because that made me see Dell as crap, saying that as nicely as possible.