I've found the most efficient iMac booster !


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I have seen that I gain roughly 20% CPU time by just restarting the Finder ! (press cmd-alt-esc and then restart Finder).

With the DnetcX 5-72 code cruncher, I had 7.8 MKey/sec before relaunch, and I have 9.2 Mkey/sec after !
Oddly enough I tried the command, but when I did that 2 Finders showed up in the relaunch bar?! Never seen that before. I relaunched both, then went to the force quit from the apple menu. I quit the finder, then relaunched and from there it showed 1 Finder. I went back and did the command and again it showed 2 Finders to relaunch. WTF? Very :confused:

Hmm, just tried it another time and this time it only showed 1 Finder. Was it a visual glitch? Have gremlins invaded? Am I seeing double? Am I seeing double?