I've got myself a 10GB iPod.

You Git! Man i am so envious! the iPod alone is a good Enough reason to get a mac, so i guess its gonna be a while before i get my iPod! < sigh >
i heard there is a way, to connect it via a PC! ... is it quite easy? ... simple FireWire PCI Card, and some software from the Net? .. Or Does it Suck?

Anyhow! respect to ya man! ;)

I hate you! I envy you!

When I got my iPod, it would easily hold my 4Gb of music...that number has doubled since then...

I still love it thou:D
Does anyone know of anyone else, who has used an iPod, connected to a Windows Machine? I really want an iPod, because i always have my MiniDisc with 20 MD's in my Bag, and the iPod makes a LOT of Sense! But the chances of me having a nice Shiny Mac and an iPod are slim, for quite some time. but if i am confident, that i can simply use the iPod Pretty nicely from my PC (Until i get a mac) i will grab one! :D

i just went over to that site, and there seemed a few BETA releases of software, Supposedly capable! But i want to be sure, that i am not going to waste £300+ on something i can't really use!

<< Damn i want my iBook Back, or a nice Sparkling iMac >>


(is my Grammar and all, better now guys? )
Haha NeYo, yes, it's better...

senne: Grr! I hate and envy you as well! Though not necessarily in that order. :D

-the valrus
senne, now you can steal software with ease....:p

But you better not, or I will come and hunt you down!!:D
Originally posted by cybergoober

Well, theres http://www.ipodlounge.com and http://www.ipoding.com . They both have forums (fora?). I'm a member at both.

5 gigger here.
Hehe, thanks, but it was just a joke eh.

Damnet! My iPod has only 9,6GB.... and i have 9.9GB mp3's... NOOO. Now i have to SELECT mp3's :d

And something else: I'm the first man in town (Antwerp, Belgium) that has a 10GB iPod!!!!!!!!!!! WHIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE, this MUST be celebrated!

senne. (a macowner.)
I got my 10G iPod (inscribed) several weeks ago. I promptly synched it and had all my music at my fingertips (and some files I need to take back and forth from work). I then had shoulder surgery and the iPod was a life saver! I was in hospital for 3 days and would have gone insane (despite the nice quantity of morphine I was able to self administer at the touch of a button) without it - the iPod, not the morphine...

Nice side effect = two nurses ordered iPods while I was in there and my doctor told me at the followup appointment last week that he already got his and loves it.

I should get a commission or something...
lol, we should get commission for converting people :D.

I really want to get an ipod. I've been thinking about it and I think I'll make an order soon. Do you think I should order through store.apple.com or just get it at an apple retailer?
Retailer. I'm against Apple-store because of the waiting-time I had on my iPod(over a month late)
I'm surprised it took so long. I got mine in what I remember must have been a week and a half or so even shipped from Taiwan - and I splurged for the engraving (be sure to make ABSOLUTELY sure you have spelled everything just as you want it, my buddy's has a typo - his own fault heh heh). One thing about getting it from the retail stores though is I can't see them offering the engraving option, but that probably isn't very important to most people besides my self-indulgent self...:D

let me know if I'm wrong about that because my wife wants one before she goes into labor (our first kid due this week or next - a boy: apb4). the retail store would be our only option and I'd like to put some cutesy message on it for her...

oh yeah. And i heard about some special deal apple is having if you buy an iBook or TiBook or something you get a deal on the iPod... I can't remember where I saw that but I think it's only available at the online store.
"I told you we needed to be doing this in Antwerp, Flargen!"

Ahh, Adult Swim.

Ten thousand points for you if you can name the show and episode.

If only I could attach .AIFFs. I'd have a sound byte for you.

-the valrus