Jaguar Finder -> Cocoa?


I was just wondering. Will the Jaguar Finder still be Carbon or will it finally be made in Cocoa? I doubt it will be made in Cocoa because that would a complete rewrite of it. Just wondering...
yeah, multi-threaded [and well programmed] is more important, and IMHO this should have been done a long time ago.
IMHO - in my humble opinion

often used by someone who is being less than humble :D
People say that carbon doesn't matter but I believe it does. Sure the speed should be about equivalent if coded correctly (even though usually it isn't) but the other thing I'm looking for is the cocoa capabilities like background scrolling. When Omniweb is below Adium, or vica verca, I can hit the command key and the scroll arrow and read through the forum without making it active. With the finder, I can't. Say I'm coding html and I need to know the exact name and path to a file on my computer. I have to either make my bbedit window really small or keep switching back and forth which sucks on 266 mhz.
Plus carbon doesn't support Services. *(or does it? My services haven't seemed to be working lately...)