jaguar FINDER quits


Does anyone have this problem? Sometimes, fairly frequently, the finder quits and goes to the user login page when:

Go to print
Connect to (try to) connect to a PC on the network
Open Internet Explorer
Launch DRIVE 10

and some other apps sometimes. Any ideas?


What kind of machine are you on?

Obviously this is not a normal behaviour of OSX.

How did you install OSX 10.2 on your system?
- Was it an upgrade from 10.1.5?
- Was it a clean install?

I hate to suggest this but at my office we've seen a lot of issues with the upgrade. Almost all of the machines we did an upgrade on have later been forced to do a clean install.

Sometime this is not an option or possibly a major inconvenience, but it might be the only way.

Before you do a clean install, check your normal things...
Use a disk utility app to check for a fragmented disk, etc...

- See what you're finder is doing... type "top" in the terminal to see if it's draining system resources.

- Try creating another 'test' user and see if that account has similar problems. If it doesn't then you can isolate the issue to something in your user folder. (ie. a conflicting driver, font, or finder preference issue.)

My guess is that you're going to find more of a broader problem that is going to require a reinstallation.
