Jaguar mail won't work



After using the Mail application easily and succesfully for a month or so, it now freezes upon launch and I must use force quit to exit (it even overrides log out).

There is a pull-down menu that is mostly grey, and no window (just my desktop).

My .mac email is still working (via webmail), so I know that it must be the application.

Everything else is fine (I am running 10.2.1 on an iMac with 256 RAM)

thank you!
Have you gotten any messages with big attachments or images in them lately? I know my mail crashes (not to often) from big emails. I don't know the actuall cause since there is no rime or reason. If so delete them off the web account then try opening mail.

Think... what did i get right before this started happening?

I called Apple and got a friendly, helpful person who told me that it was a plist issue (I never heard of it) which can be found in home/library/preferences

All is now well!
