Japanese OSX - US Software


Hey guys, I have a Japaense Mac with OSX, but I want to get the US version of IBM Via Voice, to do dictation and whatnot.

The Japanese version of this software package doesn't do English dictation, only Japanese.

Does anyone know if I should expect any difficulties with this?

I have installed English software before, and seem to be okay so far. My version of Mozilla and Firefox are US, my version of MS Office is US...

Sometimes though, back in my Windows Days, I would install foreign software and all themenus would be unreadable, even though the software would run properly. Was wondering if anyone had ever experienced anything like this on a Mac.

Set your system in English .. System Preferences > Internation > drag English far over Japanese ..
If it would install it still to be working in Japanese [which it shouldn't if the program is localized in English too], open the program "show contents" in control click, go to Resources > and remove all .lproj files except English.lproj.
That should do it.

Yup, no problems there. My laptop is a Japanese purchased one and while the "base" system is Japanese, I run in English with all English software with no problems.