Java 1.4.1 released

Yah beat me to it.
Strider44... It seemed faster Netscape... on my Mac... you know opening up pages... Maybe it's my eyes... I dunno.
developer versions of 1.4.1 had directions on how to go back to 1.3.1, maybe the update includes these, too, or maybe you can still get the read me from the ADC member site (free membership available). ->
It's about f---ing time. Are there any speed improvements when launching AWT applications? This is my biggest gripe with the current Java implementation. It makes it quite tedious to debug "on the fly."
jEdit loads much faster now. I haven't tried much else yet, but I'm glad I can now use java.util.regex on OS X with the default rt.jar
Well, I've got it running, and I can say that the expected behavior of AWT has completely changed in regards to painting on components. Great. :-/
i noticed on reboot that 1.3 and 1.4.1 were loading up. java is not my forte', so i have 2 questions;

1) is this supposed to happen?
2) if the answer is yes, why? is apple going to remove 1.3 at some point, or are both required, kind of like a 'classic' enviroment for older java apps? or is 1.4.1 backwards compatible?

(geez, that's more like 5 questions )
I have a Java class, but the teacher says that we must use 1.3 because of compatibility issues. I'm very very tempted to download this because of all the improvements, and the fact that Project Builder sometimes refuses to launch my programs. Anyone have any info on my type of situation?