Java Question


Don't Tread on Me!
I'm running 10.1.3 on my TiBook.

I downloaded an app that runs exclusively off Java 2.
I was under the impression that OSX shipped with Java 2, but when I tried to run the app, it would not work and complained that I was running Java 1.3. Is there something wrong with my system? Is there a terminal command I can use to tell me what version of Java I relly have installed on OSX? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,:)
cant solve your dillema, but just wanted to say there is no need for cross posting. People do see all posts no matter where they are posted :-)
That is strange.
version 1.3 IS Java 2.
In fact, anything above 1.1.8 (I think) is Java 2.

Look into the readme of that app. Maybe it says something about needing 1.4
This is not out on the Mac yet.
Thanks for the help.

Sorry about the dual post. I was not sure which category this would fall under.
