javascript question


HampCake Studios
i have to grab some data from an external file via javascript 'cause some text has to be refresh by a client every x seconds

is there any way to do this?

for example: i generate a php file with some values inside, i want that these values are updated on the browser every 2 minutes, without having to refresh the whole page.

thanks for your help.
people may argue that a js refresh is better but i use meta tag refreshes....
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="120;url=pathtoyourfile.php">
the 120 is the amount of time in seconds....
andehlu said:
people may argue that a js refresh is better but i use meta tag refreshes....
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="120;url=pathtoyourfile.php">
the 120 is the amount of time in seconds....

it's not what i want, i don't want to refresh the whole page, but only some data inside and without using frames or iframes