javscript and external data


HampCake Studios
i need to read some data from a web page via javascript in a web page in the same domain.
is it allowed?
if so, how?

When you say read some data, are you meaning grab it or what? It might be alot easier for someone to help if you were a bit more specific on what you want to do.
The domain part really doesn't matter. It's pretty easy to grab content off pages anywhere on the net. The part that matters is if it's legal for you to do so.

I personally look at JS as a thing to be used very sparingly (any client side script for that matter). A server side method (PHP) would be a better route to go with plus there's quite a few scripts written out there already that do exactly what you're asking. Take a look over at www.hotscripts.com, they probably have something you could use.