JBuilder 7 and Java 1.4.1


I made the optimistic mistake of installing the Apple Java 1.4.1 on my Mac (dual 1GHz G4 - running Jaguar).

Now it would appear that the installed JBuilder 7 (Personal) won't run. When clicked the icon just bounces for a while and nothing happens. Nothing strange comes up on console or system error log.

Having read the release note <http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/ReleaseNotes/java141/> I tried to change JBuilder's Info.plist to force it to use an earlier java but to no avail.

Has anybody else seen similar behaviour? If so could you recommend a solution?

Thanks in advance.
Here, try this...got it off of MacFixIt. If it's what you tried, sorry - I didn't see this anywhere in that technote you linked to, but it could've been there.

1. In your JBuilder7 folder, navigate to JBuilder.framework/bin/.
2. Open the jdk.config file in a text editor. You may need to do this from the shell with the sudo command depending on how the permissions to JBuilder7 are set. For example, type sudo vi jdk.config .
3. Add the following line: javapath /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.4.1/Libraries/libjvm_compat.dylib.
4. Save the file and launch JBuilder7 by double clicking the icon.
It worked OK, but I still have the same problem as before. When I try the GUI-builder I can add buttons and so on, but I can't SEE them at all, completly invisible. In the left list I can see them and to the right I can see the propertys, but the objects themself are invisible (or transparent).
Any hints on this ?