Joining a Windows 2003 Domain



I am a total newbie to the world of OS X and was hoping that somebody could kindly point me in the right direction. I have a recently installed Windows 2003 Server, a few PCs and a couple of Macs running OSX. Does anybody know of how to tell the Macs to join the domain? Also, I could then do with knowing how to get them to logon to the domain. The scenario I want to achieve is where the Macs are booted up and the user puts in their username and password and logs directly onto the domain.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Which version of OS X are you using? If you're using 10.3 or greater, there's an application called Directory Access (Applications-->Utilities) that will have the option for Active Directory. Jaguar (10.2) has this application but doesn't have the Active Directory listing. However, there is a workaround that involves using LDAP3 and adding the custom location which then gives you the Active Directory option for the type of server you're connecting to. I have yet to get a 10.2 Mac to connect properly and use the ADS user accounts.

There other option is to purchase ADmitMac (from Thursby Software) for your Macs which will give you more features than is available in Directory Access.
Thanks. I'm not sure of the OS version but it seems I should prob find out! Will look and see if that feature is on my version and maybe do a google for some instructions. Thanks for giving me a good starting point ... it is much appreciated.
No problem. If you need more functionality, I would still consider purchasing ADmitMac to give you more features that might not be available through Directory Access.