Junior member


iMac Dual 2.0 17'
How does one graduate from a junior member to a senior member?

How can I get a cute icon next to my name like everyone else.
well on the top of the page click the UserCP link

that should answer most of ur questions
Click on User CP (Control Panel) at the top of the page. To change your title, go to Edit Profile and put the new title in where it says "Custom User Text".

The "cute icon" is called an avatar. You will need to make one up as a small JPEG image (there is a size limit of about 100k, I think, as well as a size limit in pixels).
Once you've made your own avatar you click on the Edit Options link and the option to upload your avatar is at the bottom of the page.
it requires 10 posts and 10 days from being registered to use the custom text. so just stick around and participate a little. :)
Why does it require ten days? I got 30 posts in my first three days, but since I didn't know about the 10 day thing, I thought I had to get 50 posts or something.
mostly because so many people come and hang out a bit and then are never seen again.