Junk Mail Filter and Attachments


Ok, so I get a lot of email from various distribution lists from my school. (I have tried to get off them and they will not allow it) And obviously I don't really want to read about 99.999% of it.

So I set up my junk mail filter to catch the junk mail that I receive thanks to these mailing lists and I made it "Active" so that I would not have to even look at the message headers.

However occationally I get something that I need to read or it will misidentify a message that really wasn't junk as junk. For the most part this is not really a problem because the mail is still there, just in a different folder that for the most part I ignore.

However when mail flags a message as junk, and moves it to the junk folder, the attachment that came with the message (typically word documents about things like finals schedules...why they can't just keep the same exam schedule from year to year is beyond me) turn into garbage and cannot be reconstructed.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know any way to fix it?

I guess I should mention that I use IMAP to access my email and that moving the message to a folder on my mac deletes it off the server.