Junk Mail Folder


I know there is a junk mail button on the Mail toolbar but is there supposed to be an actual folder called Junk? There wasn't on mine. Should I create one?
Check the Mail menu>Junk. What is it set to? If you have it on Training, the Junk mail box is hidden. It will appear when you set it to Automatic.
You do not need to create a junk mail folder. Mail will do that for you when in Mail > Preferences > Junk Mail you check the box labeled "Enable Junk Mail Filtering" and click the radio button labeled "Move it to the junk mailbox (Automatic)." Under Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Special Mailboxes you can set the interval for deleting the contents of the Junk Mail folder.
I have my junk mail filter in training mode. After I indicate to Mail that a particular message is junk, can I delete that message? The point is, will the junk mail filter still learn if you delete the junk mail messages?
RonaldMacDonald said:
I have my junk mail filter in training mode. After I indicate to Mail that a particular message is junk, can I delete that message? The point is, will the junk mail filter still learn if you delete the junk mail messages?
The short answer is Yes. Now that I think about it, the long answer is also Yes. :D