Some time ago I did a little college paper on Junk Mail (paper mail) and I have been thinking about this and its relationship to spam.
Without getting into the nitty gritty - here are a few things I remember. About 70% of all junk mail gets thrown away without even being read (about 40 million tons a year I think). Because almost all junk mail is 3rd class - the post office will not return it. Often times when you get junk mail the group that sold your address to the junk mailer is none other than the good old US Post Office. The rates bulk mailers get are incredibly cheap. What makes it possible as a profitable business is that the rates are so low the junk mailers can afford to print up tons of mail where they know the vast majority of it will be pitched in the trash - just a small percentage of sales is enough to let them make a profit. Since the US post office sells these people addresses and in return gets low rates, the USPS is essentially subsidizing the business of junk mail.
Think about it, if you didn't get junk mail, how much mail would be in your mail box every day? The Post Office is a HUGE portion of our budget - more than welfare for sure - yet most of what it actually does is 3rd class junk mail! The junk mailers are getting not quite a free ride (almost), but an unfair one that costs us all money in our taxes, money for our garbage service (I pay $30 a month for mine and most is junk mail), and time.
Okay, Spam is even cheaper to produce and distrribute, but it isn't supported by some government agency like the post office. Apparently spam is taking a huge toll on internet traffic and that hurts all of us. So it is almost the same thing - a bunch of business people are banking on almost all of uss ignoring their messages this strategy comes at a cost that takes away resources from the rest of us.
As for real mail, I would love to see the USPS out of the 3rd class junk mail business which would happen in a heart beat if it was made more fair and honest (let them send it Fed Ex or UPS - a REAL business like those carriers would not give away a service for a kick back). As a result they would not need their huge budgets and we could enjoy getting only our bills in the mail!
Without getting into the nitty gritty - here are a few things I remember. About 70% of all junk mail gets thrown away without even being read (about 40 million tons a year I think). Because almost all junk mail is 3rd class - the post office will not return it. Often times when you get junk mail the group that sold your address to the junk mailer is none other than the good old US Post Office. The rates bulk mailers get are incredibly cheap. What makes it possible as a profitable business is that the rates are so low the junk mailers can afford to print up tons of mail where they know the vast majority of it will be pitched in the trash - just a small percentage of sales is enough to let them make a profit. Since the US post office sells these people addresses and in return gets low rates, the USPS is essentially subsidizing the business of junk mail.
Think about it, if you didn't get junk mail, how much mail would be in your mail box every day? The Post Office is a HUGE portion of our budget - more than welfare for sure - yet most of what it actually does is 3rd class junk mail! The junk mailers are getting not quite a free ride (almost), but an unfair one that costs us all money in our taxes, money for our garbage service (I pay $30 a month for mine and most is junk mail), and time.
Okay, Spam is even cheaper to produce and distrribute, but it isn't supported by some government agency like the post office. Apparently spam is taking a huge toll on internet traffic and that hurts all of us. So it is almost the same thing - a bunch of business people are banking on almost all of uss ignoring their messages this strategy comes at a cost that takes away resources from the rest of us.
As for real mail, I would love to see the USPS out of the 3rd class junk mail business which would happen in a heart beat if it was made more fair and honest (let them send it Fed Ex or UPS - a REAL business like those carriers would not give away a service for a kick back). As a result they would not need their huge budgets and we could enjoy getting only our bills in the mail!