kdcomd on a mac?


I have been having this problem for a while now, its that whenever i open up Console this is what happens
Whenever i Open console it takes a sec, the swirly loading mouse icon appears for about 15 sec before the list fully loads, and it does that also whenever i try to scroll or open one of the drop-down menus .
And then AFTER i select them all and delete them, the screen is cleared, and then at about 5-10 sec intervals the messages will appear, with a completely wrong time-stamp.

And my children have been getting some very weird glitches when i add them time with parental controls: 1) whenever the 15-min, 5-min, or 1-min mark appears and i sometimes add time for them, the amount of time left message will just reappear. so when the time finally comes and it does the action that symbolizes when they run out of time, the marker by their login name says logged in, they login and then repeatily it will just do the action again and they have to login again, and if they do it enough it eventually go away, but its done it >20 times on end before, and im not sure if this has to do with the weirdly acting console messages or not.

And also i searched thru the topic and i didnt find another forum like this.