Keep having to reset the PMU button



I have a PowerPC G4 desktop superdrive with a 1.42 ghz proccessor.

I was having some start up problems so I tried reseting the PMU button and it worked.

The problem is, i'm having to do this around three times a week, which indicates to me that there must be an underlying problem that I have yet to figure out.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully you're only pushing that button once and not more than that. Pushing the button more than once can damage the logic board.

Aside from that, it sounds as though your PRAM battery is dead or dying. The link below shows that battery you need from

You should also be able to get this at any Radio Shack.
Yeah I read the instructions very carefully about not pushing the button more than once.

I'll get myself one of those PRAM batteries then. It's most likely to be the problem, as i've had this Mac for more than five years and it's never needed to be changed before, but nothing lasts forever.

Really appreciate your help, Thanks.