kernel panic, keyspan USB-serial ?


Since using system 10.2.7 I am experiencing kernel panics now and then (about one a week). They do not seem related to anything specific, in the panic.log the Keyspan software shows up (for my Keyspan USB-serial adapter).

Is this a known problem, or am I looking in the wrong place? Anyone suggestions on how to proceed making my system stable again?
You have the panics only after you started using this adapter? When you are not using the adapter, it does not freeze?
How many panics have you had so far?
It sounds like it's caused by that - if trying e.g. a few days or a week witout it causes no panics, you will see it that's the problem.
I've been using the adapter since I have the machine without problems. I try to get along without using it, but since I use it to sync my Palm it is difficult to get a long time without using it.

The last few panics (about one a week, machine always on), were within 12 hours after using the Keyspan adapter.

I hope to find if others have experiences with 10.2.6 and the KS adapter, either with a fix, or so I know I am on the wrong track.