Kernel Panic update



After a 2nd level Apple tech's advice to "initialize"(of course a few files were forgotten to be backed up Arrrgh!)due to my never ending "B tree" problems that neither Norton has permanently fixed (6 and 7), Disk First Aid, or the "fsck -y". Btw, let's review -- my "problems" are really only what Norton shows me (B Tree, Volume header, Allocation files, etc.) and the dreaded kernel panics I randomly get on shutdowns and restarts (which "go away" after one reboot) I'm nervous about these problems because being an illustrator w/ large and VERY important files on the computer, something locking up on me is very scary

Add to this, I feel pressure to get things "right" because I have about 5 days left on my phone support w/ Apple. So I did the pain in the arse clean install. Everything was fine, going through many restarts because of software installs. However about 3/4's of the way through, I got a dreaded kernel panic after I asked the G4 to shut down to re add my memory that the apple tech had me take out. CRAP!

So, of course, he started grilling me about 3rd party software, the next day, and I told him at least we know it was NOT the additional memory or my hub (Apple loves to pick on hubs). I suspect maybe it's my Wacom Intuos 2 tablet, as it was installed at the time, the only extension. However, looking back I possibly did not have ANY of these problems until the 10.1.3 up date(?) Yes, I have the latest driver from Wacom. But telling me to run my computer w/o my tablet of Painter 7 (yes the latest update), or Photoshop (3rd party software -- gasp!) is a no go -- it's why I shelled out big bucks for this damn thing in the first place!!!

Until Apple fixes OS bugs or Wacom does it's fixes (IF it is them? After all the tablet runs great when operating, it's just the shutdowns and restarts). The tablet is staying on my computer, it's essential as my monitor for cripes sakes!

I have e-mailed the Apple tech the descriptions or tiny phrases that have appeared on my monitor during the kernel panic, as he requested (he didn't want numbers just the word phrases that might give them a clue), maybe that will help? Here they are just in case:

"Unresolved kernel trap --Inst. access

Latest crash info for cpu
exemption st.
back trace
kernel loadable modules in backtrace
kernel loadable dependencies

Kernel version
darwin kernel version 5.3

memory access exception"

But meanwhile, after all that crap of reinstall and endless updating,...again, I'm right back where I started (albeit eliminating the hub and the 3rd party memory)

Siighhhh. Any insight , at this point? Much appreciated.

Thanks, Tim
Hardware support is about the same for these two, i.e., not good. It seems that OS X has drawn more beta drivers, most of them for really neat, useful devices, while WinXP has drawn a smaller number of complete versions, mostly for hum-drum devices.