

Does anyone know of a keyboard/mouse that is (1) bluetooth (2) doesn't require a dongle (3) mac compatible (4) not made from Apple

i've been searching forever for something like this.

The apple keyboard/mouse suck for the reasons that they keyboard keys stick after a few months, and the scroll wheel on the mouse becomes inoperable after some time. Money is no object. I pray to the gods that someone might have an answer

I've used the Logitech S530... that is crap too. The keyboard is flimsy and the mouse scrolls too fast

I would love the DiNovo but there is no driver support for Mac
I wasn't sure you were interested because you seem so anti the Mac keyboard.

What I do is pop off the offending key or keys and apply some silicon spray. I don't do all of them, just the ones that are sticking.

I don't actually spray the key, I spray the silicon on a cotton swab and wipe down the key cap part that slides into the little tube on the keyboard base and also the inside of the tube itself. It's easy to pop a key off, I pass a piece of string beneath it and then pull up on the ends of the string.

I don't have to do it very often any more so it seems my efforts have paid off. My keyboard action is now very smooth and nice, I like this keyboard a lot, but I did have the sticktion problem and that's why I used the silicon.

Edit: I can't speak to the mouse issue, I have the older single button bluetooth mouse and a Cirque Smart Cat trackpad and I like the combo just fine.