Keychain Access


geez o pete
Alright, here's one for ya

I can't get my Keychain to remember my iChat password. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't accept it. Well, turns out I've got two Keychain accounts, one of them, listed as "admin" and the other "pgilchri"
iChat asks to access the "admin" keychain. Unfortunately, I don't remember the password I set for it! It isn't any of my usual passwords, so I've kinda given up hope that I'll remember.

My question is this:
Would I be able to delete the "admin" keychain without screwing anything up? Or is there some way I can get iChat (as well as any other applications) to use the "pgilchri" keychain, which is unlocked?


If you delete the admin keychain, you'll lose whatever passwords and so on you had on it. If you're confident that you know the passwords you need, or have them stored in your pgilchri keychain, then you can move the admin keychain onto backup.