

1) How can I export a keychain list? When I look in the file menu in Keychain Access, I can see Import but Export is dimmed. I want to merge my keychains at home with my keychains at work.

2) When I use Keychain Access, and click one of those checkboxes that says "Show password," it asks me for my login password. That is fine, but when I click another record in the keychain database, it asks me for it again. In other words, I have to keep typing in my password for each individual entry in Keychain Access. I do not require that much security so it is a pain in the neck to have to keep doing it for each and every entry that I wish to see the password for. Is there a way around this?

3) Where are the passwords all kept? In these files?: and login.keychain

If some hacker got a hold of these files, is there a way they could get my passwords?
I found this on the apple site on how to export a keychain list:

This Applescript will do it. It puts the results into a plain text file named "Passwords" onto the desktop. You'll have to manually strip some extraneous characters to end up with a readable listing. The first time through you'll have to click the Allow Always and/or Allow Once button for each username/password combo, but it works well. Copy it into Script Editor and give it a shot.

set osXKeychainScriptingPath to ¬
(path to scripting additions from system domain as Unicode text) ¬
& "Keychain" -- one line

set theSecuridPIN to {}

tell application "Keychain Scripting" to launch
tell application "Keychain Access" to launch

using terms from application "Keychain Scripting"
tell application osXKeychainScriptingPath
set KeyList to every Internet key of current keychain
repeat with aKey in KeyList
set theSecuridPIN to theSecuridPIN & (name of aKey) & ¬
(account of aKey) & (password of aKey) & return--one line
end repeat
end tell
end using terms from

tell application "Keychain Scripting" to quit
tell application "Keychain Access" to quit

tell application "Finder"
open for access file (((path to desktop folder) as text) & "Passwords") with write permission
set theFile to result
write theSecuridPIN to theFile
close access theFile
end tell

happily using