Keynote vs. Powerpoint

Yes, Jason, you can export to PowerPoint (albeit minus the transitions and alpha-blending effects) or to an interactive QuickTime movie (pretty cool).
Originally posted by symphonix
Yes, Jason, you can export to PowerPoint (albeit minus the transitions and alpha-blending effects) or to an interactive QuickTime movie (pretty cool).

I think they really need to make a free PC player for this. Sure the Powerpoint export is required, but a free player would result in a lot of people saying, "Hey, why can't I make presentations like this in PowerPoint?"

Also, I just don't see people using a Quicktime version to run a presentation - not PC users. It is not an elegant fix for this. Of course, you can bet Microsoft will respond to Keynote by making Powerpoint a little fancier (though in the same way MS has always copied Apple - they will get about 1/4 the elegance), but there is a little window here for Apple to take advantage of.

Fryke - I liked all of your points too. I have heard that now that PC manufacturers are no longer illegally bound by MS, they are putting other office suites (Corel) on their PCs and this has caused MS to drop Office prices and/or offer academic versions. Sadly, we are all in this mess (Office) due to MS's illegal practices, but it sometimes seems it may be too late to see what true competion and fairness will give us after the little hand swat given MS by teh courts.
I think its an extreamly good idea and at that id like to say well done to apple at least there will be drones awaking from there sleep, people have a choice and thats what people like.

i wouldnt be surprised if people accually switch to a mac just because of this program it is everything alot of people i know simply need and all they want i mean alot, i have many contacts in the PR industry who are already raving about it and are willing to make the switch simply because of the hype - people i know just love apple and i think thats great...

As for PP, People Change....
For those of who have keynote, how good is the flash import function?

We have clients that want to change flash files to movies to put on a DVD for trade-shows and such. So in Flash MX i go export as mov and it doesn't recognize any movie clips, rendering the movie file unusable.

So will Keynote import swf or flas nicely so i can them export them as working movie files?

Did i explain that good enough?
