Killer Apps (??) for my new iPod


Master of my Universe
Yeah! :D I'm definately going to my Apple Store on Friday and getting myself an iPod - FINALLY!

A few minutes ago I rec'd an email from Avantgo (spam) and I got to thinking about how I wish Avantgo would come out with an OSX version - then thought maybe Apple could do it for us, then thought no they wouldn't do that cause Steve said no to the PDA market ... but what if they wrote an Avantgo type iApp that gave us readable stuff on the iPod?

That would SO SWEET!

Does anyone know of any apps like that or just recommend your favorite iPod app?
Avant Go blows. Plucker or iSilo are Mac friendly and doable in OSX (at least on the pda side).

For iPod,

Check out newsmac 2.2 from the second page

I like being able to pull tracks from the iPod back to the hard drive if needed. And while they're not iPod-specific apps, I love for audio books, newspapers and magazines (also iPod friendly).
I also have a shareware app that lets you turn written text to audio using the Mac's voice. I often pull a few of my favorite columnists (in my case, it's some sports columnists online), convert their pieces to audio and move it over to the iPod to listen to while on the way to/from work.