
How do you kiss?

  • Always my eyes closed

  • Most of the time eyes closed

  • Most of the time eyes open

  • Always eyes open

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a_iver said:
never kissed...

...except for when I was a kid when I got a peck on the cheek.
Now this is sad, depending of course on how old you are now! :( Unless this is by choice & not circumstances forced upon you.
Will let you know in a few weeks Giaguara :D

But eyes mostly closed. Depends on the moment and place.

Well, since I last posted in this thread I've kissed at least one million times. And only twice have I opened my eyes. I don't know, it's just a lot more sensual with my eyes closed.

But don't worry about it you kids that haven't kissed yet, it's worth the wait.
Giaguara said:
Oh Dorn, I think you forgot to post.. :D

Ahem, guess if you kept your eyes open you would have seen :) /ducks

Eyes open, sometimes closed but mostly open.

Hmmmm, very suspicious. ;)
I remain, you two are sorta living very close to eachother.

I would be interested to know, if helped any ppl/couples find to eachother.. Any reports on that?
The slogan for this forum could then be:, connecting ppl! :)
Hehe.. :D

Well, actually he is right now in a different time zone, 6 hours apart .. but otherwise living very damn close yes.. and he'll be back next week (damn impatient here...) :D

Heh .. yea. Could be interesting to know. Actually didn't "find" him here.. I had to (well, wanted to) look for some info on some older Apple products .. (well, Newtons) so I started bugging him about them .. so soon ended being 16 hours iChats .. heh. And when around here, still SMS'ing or iChatting in my dreams to him because can't tollerate the idea of being "away" for the sleep (whatever, 6-8 hours?) ... heh. Yes yes .. can't wait to have him permanently here 48 7 ...
You have some pretty long days there, Gia. :p

Err, and I hope you don't mind when he doesn't remember what he typed to you in your dreams. ;)