KP during system update = wont boot


So, earlier today I was doing a routine software update, and I would say *about* 86% of the way through system optimization I had a kernel panic, had to re-boot only to find that my computer wouldn't get past "Login Window Starting". It appears as though the startup window quits, as it fades out as opposed to simply disappearing, and then the cursor fades in and out as well. I tried fscking and it said that my disk had been repaired, and it still is having the same problem. A couple of times it went to an all black screen that almost looked like a single user mode prompt, but then went back to the blank blue screen right before where it would usually bring up the desktop. This is with 10.3.9 on a Rev 1 G3 B&W machine. I don't really know what else to do since I have no system software disks (bought the computer second hand 4 years ago). The only thing I can think of is using an older OS9 disk and using startup disk to bootup on OS 9.2, but then that leaves me not knowing how to repair OSX. Any help at all would be appreciated.
Try booting while holding the Shift key down and let us know if it boots that way.
Nope, won't boot in safe mode either :(

I was able to go in with an old system disk and change it so it would startup on os 9, and it worked, but that doesn't really leave me with any options for repairing OSX does it? Anything else I should try, or should I just go buy Panther disks and re-install?