Lacie 48x12x48x d2 Firewire....


Hey Guys,

Deciding on saving the optical lense on my Superdrive, I bought the Lacie 48x12x48x d2 firewire drive today. :D

Pretty nice....1u in height, with rack mountable slots on the side, with a Quicksilver colour. It's running the Liteon ltr-48126S mechanism.

Personally, I was debating between the 52x24x52x or the 48x drive. Deciding to cheap out, I bought the 48, since I rarely re-write.

I'll mention that in os x 10.2.2, that in the system profile, it says that cd-writing is not supporting (perhaps, because there's on blank cd in....i dunno), but in Toast 5.2, it runs fine. :cool:

Other than that first cd i burnt (about 500mb.....took 1:10secs to burn), I haven't burnt any from the desktop, so I can't say if it's natively supported.

So if you've got any questions (no, I won't open the thing up, to see the date of manufactuer or anything....*l*)....throw it out to me....I'll try to answer them.