Learning VNC


My experience: Mac user since 1995.

My problem: I have set up one aging in-law in AZ with an iBook and another in NE with an iMac, both will shortly also be running OS 10.2.3. Helping them sort things out is _extremely_ time consuming and difficult by telephone.

I recently stumbled across the subject of virtual network computing which led me to download Share My Desktop, Chicken of the VNC, and VNC Thing. I have read all of their ReadMe files. I have also read the chapter in "Mac OS X The Missing Manual on "Web Sharing, FTP and Remote Access" and must admit to being overwhelmed. I was hoping that somewhere I could find a step-by-step guide showing me first how to set up my own computer for file sharing (which is my guess as to where I have to begin), then installing and using Share My Desktop so I could help the in-laws.

Is this too tall a request to ask?

Thank you,