Legal Question: M$ Office 2004


I am currently considering getting a copy of Office 2004, but before I shell out $150 for an upgrade, I though I would ask for some assistance understanding my rights when it comes to the EULA.

1. I am currently a college student, and as such qualify for the Educational version of office. However, I will be graduating soon. After I graduate will I still "legally" be allowed to use the software?

2. I understand that office comes with 3 cd keys (so you can install it on up to 3 macs). I do not need this many copies. So, could I legally install a copy on my sister-in-law's iBook?

3. If I can legal install the copy on my sister-in-law's computer, could I make her a copy of the CD so that if she needed it to reinstall, add options, etc, she would not need to come to me for the original?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Dunno about 1

2 - the EULA will probably say it's for one person's use only. So, you can install on multiple machines, but not have multiple copies of the software running at once, used by different people.

3 - depends a lot on what country you're in. In Canada, you can legally make copies for backup and archival purposes - precisely what you describe. However, the precise archival use you describe - letting your sister-in-law use install the program on her computer - is questionable.