Leopard's Spotlight doesn't search...


Hi there!

I've got a problem with Leopard Server...
It's the first time that I run a server version.
Everything works great! But... Spotlight...
Spotlight doesn't search anything on my internal HD. :-( On my external HD (connected with FireWire) it works!

I already deleted the .Spotlight Folder on my startup disk... But that doesn't help... I added my HD to the "privacy" Tab in Spotlight and deleted it after that... But that doesn't help, too...

Has anybody of you an idea how to make this work?
Thanks a lot!

Greez, Mike.
Does mdfind work from Terminal?
If that works, then spotlight process would be fine, and only the implementation be the issue..
No... I fixed the problem... Spotlight didn't index the entire computer... With a Terminal action I could fix this... :)

But thanks for your idea! :-)
Ah, excellent :)
By default it's supposed to keep large chunks of hard drive unindexed to protect the users from themselves.... ("oh what's this core services? I never use this anyway, I could just remove it to save space...")
Do you remember which command you used to fix it? May be nice to know for whoever else would run to this problem and then be able to find the answers here...
Pretty much just made an account to thank you Exebit for the command, it worked great!

Someone else suggested removing the battery to reset the PRAM (In my G5) and I nearly destroyed the battery holder inside, and that solution didn't even work.
Taking a hint from the previous user, I registered for an account especially to thank the supplier of that command too. I have been searching for 5 hours for a way to fix my spotlight search and tried 4 other different ways, clearing user and system and font cache, installing mainmenu, using another terminal command... and then this work IMMEDIATELY. Thank you so much!
I'm doing the same as the two users above. My indexing was disabled for the startup volume on 10.5 and I wanted to re-enable it under 10.6, but the volume wasn't appearing on the "Privacy" settings. This was the only way to re-enable the indexing. Even the "cleanup" utilities I used, which included re-indexing Spotlight, didn't work until I actually enabled it with that command. Thanks again.