

Yeah, Androo.
I think that eventually, we'll use computers for everything. It's already starting to happen! Instead of going to the mall to shop, you go online. Why go to a travel agency? You can book trips online! Why would you sneak into a movie, if you can sneak it onto your computer? Everything we used to do, can now be done on a computer. Instead of stores and homes, there are websites. Yahoo would be like one of those giant buildings downtown. Not too many people see the power of the internet, and computers. I think that soon, we'll be doing most of our things on the computer. We could even go to school, without even leaving our home, using webcams. Will we eventually make computers our lives?
Interesting, Androo... :)
Before I take a train or buy a flight, I check the times and fares online. I've done that for ages. Today I bought some books for a friend online from amazon - if she ordered those books from abroad to her local store it would have cost a lot more than sending them abroad. .. I can do about everything I need to do online .. except listen to people who tell how computer addicted I am.. :p
Well ... actually I made a some months study of how internet changes the city use ..
The only thing the computer can't do is provide us with that face to face interaction that is critical for human growth.

I hate to shop and in the past couple of years the majority of my non-food purchases have been made online. I can't remember the last time I went to a travel agency...

Living in a small town it is difficult to find foreign newspapers/magazines but I don't really need them with the internet.

I think we will be connected to the world through our computers in ways that we can't even imagine now. Now that the wristwatch phone is here and cel phone #s are being made portable from one company to another (in the us at least) the idea of being disconnected from a place or a person will be a thing of the past.

The lack of privacy is a scary thing but the possibilities are mind boggling. To think we are only on the brink of what will be.
Dunno about that... living out here in Tokyo, the Net (thus the computer) keeps me in touch with friends who have moved back to the U.S.

In fact, I probably talk to them more regularly now via email and chat than we had opportunities to get together living in the same city!

Is it "interaction" in the old sense of the word sitting around a bar, drinking a beer and cracking peanuts? Obviously not, but I don't think it *isn't* interaction either; just a different or even "evolved" form of it...


Originally posted by Ugg
The only thing the computer can't do is provide us with that face to face interaction that is critical for human growth.
What you will eventually use on a daily basis is Internet. Computers are only a support to it.
Originally posted by toast
What you will eventually use on a daily basis is Internet. Computers are only a support to it.

even a limiting one, for people who can't type or have other techno-phobias. There wil be a "withering away" of the computer :p as other interface opportunities arise - plain speech platforms or dedicated internet appliances...
Why go outside and get the paper when you can just look it up online? Why go to the grocery store when you can just buy them online and have them delivered? Hell! You can graduate 1st grade through college without leaving the house.:p

Originally posted by Androo
Why would you sneak into a movie, if you can sneak it onto your computer?
Yeah! TMD ROX!;)
First, forget about 'the internet' or 'the computer'. A digital watch is, basically, a computer. My Nokia 3650 is most definitely more than a 'mobile telephone'. 'The internet' - which many people already mistake as 'the web', is a network using the TCP/IP protocol. Once IPv6 takes over, we'll have many more 'things' that have an IP. TCP/IP is a bit like 'air'. It won't be something 'touchable' for the next generation, it's just there, naturally (like it already is for most of us.

If you want a freaky outlook on all this, watch 'serial experiments lain', an anime series of 13 'layers', portraying a girl finding her way (back?) into 'the wired'.

closE this wOrLd - opEn The neXt...
and now, since we are in the stage where computers aren't used for EVERYTHING but most stuff, we begin to be lazy at regular things.......maybe we can teleport places!!! Though where would we go!? We don't need phones, just icq, msn, aol (ICHAT!), yahoo im, aaaaand.... that's all i can think of. Phone numbers? no way, ICQ numbers!
Hmmmm... speaking about internet, i'm getting Star Wars Jedi Knight II.... is it good on the net???