Linguistic Humor


Unofficial Mac Genius
In an attempt to get the humor sophistication level UP ;), here's a really funny website with funny terms (this is where I got the term "sarchasm"). :D :) :D

My personal favorites are "Dopeler effect", "ignoranus", "intaxication", and "sarchasm". :D

And now I open it up to your own submissions. Take any word, modify it by adding one letter, deleting one letter, or changing one letter. Then supply a new definition. :)
  • simY - simXes evil twin
  • forumd - A Unix forum daemon

Those are all that I could think of :D
Qacuum - The state of total absence of ducks.

Mobvious - Something everybody else knows but you can't seem to understand.

Sleerping - When you wake up to find you've eaten your pillow.

Hostyle - When you are mean to someone in creative and fashionable ways.

Hey, this is fun. :D
Beerlief - Any opinion held only while under the influence of alcohol. (okay, so I added 2 letters, sosumi)

Argumeant - A cruel insult that you say you didn't mean but you know you did.

Wirld - That feeling you get when you actually visualise the Earth spinning, spinning, spinning ... and you're on it ... and it makes you feel really nervous. Or is that just me?

Minager - 1. Someone who practices micro-management. 2. A very short head of a corporation.
terminal coolness

hmmm... does this mean that when my terminal is cool it has hipatitis ? :p
MiPod- State in which a person is overly posessive of their iPod, 'cause it's just so damn cool.

PowerBookE- Extra speedy bet-taker with a large view of things.
iMace - Using an iMac to bludgeon a Windows fan (perhaps that is why they are such a rare breed?)

Troptical - Making your garden in Alaska look like a garden in Hawaii with a few palm trees and fake waterfalls.

Hervous - When you are anxious or afraid that you might say something that makes no sense. :D
Originally posted by symphonix
Hervous - When you are anxious or afraid that you might say something that makes no sense. :D

OK that's undoubtedly the best one yet. :)

Just for everyone else, don't just add some nonsensical letter and then make up a new definition -- there has to be a reason you picked that letter to add/delete/change -- like it looks like another word (like "Hervous" -- that was great).