Linking MySQL C Lib in PB


Its probably something really easy (I'm hoping) ... but how do I link in the MySQL library in ProjectBuilder??? I'm trying to do a simple Cocoa App that uses the MySQL C library to access a database ... I managed to compile the object code by adding the mysql.h file to the project (but there's probably a nicer solution to this also, I'm assuming) ... but can't build the bugger.
Any insight will be much apreciated :)))

OK. I've figured it out. What you do is add the lib dir to the search path for the target (see PB help) ... in my case /usr/local/mysql/lib
then you add some additional options to the linker (the text field right at the bottom) ... '-lmysqlclient -lz1.1.3' and voila, we have a linking version.
