Linksys Router WRT54G


To whom it may concern-

I just recieved for Christmas a Linksys Router WRT54G. I have a Power Mac G-5 with ethernet only and an iBook G4 with a wireless card installed. I was frustrated trying to get it to work but thanks to a google search which led me to this site I was able to get it up and running.

I am slightly paranoid about security and was wondering what you reccomend that I do to tighten up security.

Also, I would like to file share between the two computers. Can I / How do I do that?

If you run the Airport setups on both machines they will link to the internet.

If you want to file share: System Prefs/Sharing. Turn on personal file sharing.

Then open "network" in the sidebar (or the GO menu in Finder). Wait for the other computer to appear. Select and open. Then access via your user password. The other computer will appear as a drive on your desktop.

Both computers must be switched on and running!!
I am guessing you have already logged in to the linksys GUI from a browser window to configure it.

If so, bring up the GUI and configure encryption - use the
WPA with preshared key option.

There is no need to run the airport setup on the
powermac unless it has an airport card installed
(it will not even run without an airport card installed)
- just keep it plugged in to the router, the ethernet
connection is faster than wireless anyway.
About security -
WEP or WPA encryption on wireless prevents others from using your network.
A Firewall protects you from intrusion (people remotely logging on to your computers). The router's firewall is already better than the software firewall on your computer.
Anti-virus software protects you from bad stuff you download or get in emails. So far, no virus/worm/trojan has actually infected OS X Macs.

Do you have any other questions?
Hi Banana, I have had the same linksys router working fine with my powerbook for some time, but just got a G5 dual 2.7 for christmas, and just installed an airport extreme card. Airport software installed fine, but I can't get the G5 online - no luck finding the network that my laptop finds without problem. Any suggestions? Thanks