Linux Distro installed from Fink ?


Hi I have succesfully instaled KDE and certain Linux Apps from FinkCommnader, in a G4. Now I have a Dual-Core MacMini.

My question is: How close is a KDE-Linux instalation using the Fink Distribution set to the a real Linux Instalation ? My goal is to install the Linux distribution MIT/Scheme and Edwin editor in my Mac. Since OS X is not supported (only windows & linux), I'd like to try, but I understand Apple is more unix like. Will I be able to run a linux binary once I install linux using fink ?

Thanks !
You don't install linux using fink. You _compile_ and install software. linux binaries won't run on Mac OS X, since they expect a different system, to put it plainly. You could, of course, buy Parallels Desktop - - and install a linux distro in a virtual machine. Might not be the worst idea after all.
Remember that KDE and all other UNIX apps are available for all Unix-like operating systems. This includes Darwin/Mac OS X. KDE is available not only for Linux, but for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, Darwin, etc. Same goes for all other UNIX apps. People just think they're Linux apps since Linux is the most popular of all the open source Unix-like operating systems at the moment (not to say any of the others aren't, but Linux is in the media more than the others).

So you're not installing a Linux distribution or Linux-anything. These are Darwin ports of popular Unix software.
Thanks frykes I have considered using Parallels Desktop but I'm reluctant to pay US$ 80. nixgeek, ok I now understand about ports. Now as I was saying I'm interested in running MIT/Scheme, I checked and it is available as source code in freshmeat, since it has a GPL License. Do you think that I can compile it run using the usual method ? (BSD is supported)

make install

I have X11 installed by the way !
