Linux keyboard combo question: need experienced linux users


Simply Daemonic
OK, so my x86 at work needed a facelift, so I formatted it, cleared all partitions into a major one and there I was with thw windows disk at hand, when I decided to just load linux on it :p

I loaded Suse with the greek environment. My UID and Pass are in latin characters. When I rebooted and got to the login screen I tried typing in UID and pass but the keyboard is stuck on greek! There is no visible way on the login window to select the US keyboard.

Is there a key combo to switch keybaord?On my mac I know that it is apple-space, but I have no clue about linux, and Suse is not being helpful :p
you might have to check your X11 config file and see what keymap is being used for the keyboard. If you do a Ctrl-Alt-F2 you should be dumped into a command line. Just log in and then head to /etc/X11. There you will find a config file (XF86Config if using XFree86, xorg.conf if using Xorg 6.8.x). Open that up in an editor (as root) and search for the section about the keyboard. You'll see there what keymap is being used. Just change it to latin again.

Or, in the command line, change the UID and password using the greek keymap, that way everything is in greek.

Hope this helps.
thanks :)
That is the combo I was looking for. I found a way to edit my files to include a cntl-shift toggle but needed the command line to do it :)