Linux on Mac


Hi @ all,

on my 60 GB harddisk i have installed Mac OS X. I have some free space for Linux (around 10 GB)

Question 1: is there a solution for resizing HFS+ to make a dualboot with Linux?

Question 2: is there software to run YDL in a window (like Mac On Linux... -> the opposite)

kind regards

There is no way to resize HFS+ so if you only have one partition you're stuck. I'm not sure if there is anything for YDL to run in a window but since a lot of programs have been ported to Darwin you might try or XDarwin. Is there any program in particular you need to use linux for or is it just to mess around?
Originally posted by Koelling
Is there any program in particular you need to use linux for or is it just to mess around?

i switched from Linux to Mac :)
i like OS X, but miss my Linux ;)

is there a non-free programm who can shrink my HFS+ Partition? just a single partition.

Thanks for not calling me an "idiot" or some other name. I've been getting that a lot lately from you Mac users.

Look for Partition Toolkit (commercial program). No guarantees, but it claims to do non-destructive partition resizing. FWB Software

Originally posted by dktrickey

Look for Partition Toolkit (commercial program). No guarantees, but it claims to do non-destructive partition resizing. FWB Software

Thanks, I'll be sure to tell dau, since he's the one who needs it ;)