LINUX SMB server messes up OS 9 files


I work in an office with a few Macs on OS 9. My Mac is on OS X. We have a Linux based SMB server, which the OS 9 Macs use to share files. However, when I share files through that server, my files are unrecognizable to the OS 9 Macs, and vice versa. Also whenever I look at the files in my server folder (from my OS X desktop), the file names are truncated and the icons are unrecognizable. Why am I having this problem, and what can I do to correct it?

Thanks in advance!
You can use Netatalk instead. It's basically AppleTalk server support for Linux. Works quite well, but I haven't played with it in a while. Samba and SMB are only for Windows filesharing, not for Classic Mac OS filesharing. I exclude the Mac OS X machine because it does support SMB natively so it's not a problem there.

This is not to say that Classic Mac OS machines can't use SMB. A program called DAVE allows you to access Windows shares as though they were Mac shares. Again, I haven't used this extensively....I've only read about it. But it is an option.