Loading OS9 from OSX


sometimes when I am surfing the net and talking on the OS9 version of AIM, (I have OSX, but I dont think there is a OSX AIM) if I quit AIM, it will also quit OS9 which is very annoying because then if I want to run more OS9 programs, it has to relaunch OS9:confused:
There's a OS X version of AIM, get it at versiontracker.com
Also, make sure you try out Adium, also found on versiontracker
while i don't knowingly touch anything having to do with aol, there is something wrong when quitting a classic app quits the entire classic environment unless you are force quitting. in which case something else is wrong.

definitly go to www.versiontracker.com and find yourself an osx aim client of some sort. Folks seem to swear by adium. Then figure out what is causing the weird behavior of classic quitting.
Yeah Adium is great...for chatting. The only thing I find wrong with it is sending/recieving files.
I love Tabs, tabs is the only feature pulling me towards Mozilla and the biggest reson I have seen yet to choose Adium.

And Ed, you gotta get over this AOL-phobia of yours, you're getting all paranoid about it. Mozilla, Chimera, AIM, Adium...your online life would thank you for giving in...