Local PHP problem


I have just installed PHP 5.1 on my OS X 10.3.5 system.

It looks to work just fine as I can open very simple php pages like phpinfo.php and myip.php. But when I try to open more complex files used in my site. No eror message, just a empty white page comes up :(

I have checked the complexed php page in pico and I see some ^M here and there, can this cause the problem? How do I clean the file if thats the case? Is there a nice script for BBedit to clean it up or some thing?
yes, that's the problem
anyway u should activate the error display on php.ini so the webserver shows u where the problem is.
try to replace ^M with nothing in bbedit

type CMD + F, type ^M in search field and then replace all
No the ^M was not the problem. I could only see the ^M in Pico and not in BBedit, but that was because the file was saved in Macintosh format and not Unix. When I fixed this now the problem remains.

How do I activate the error display php.ini and where do I see this error log later?
edit your php.ini file in /usr/local/php5/lib/ folder

u have to change the line display_errors from Off to On

the errors will be shown directly on the web page