Locked out of my G5


So, heres the scoop:

I turned my G5 on one morning (I should state here that it is my personal use computer - nobody else is ever on it), and the first thing I noticed was that it was taking an insanely long time to boot up. The grey screen with the... "circular loading ticker" was up for at least 10 minutes (aswell as having the fan boost up to full power during almost the entire duration of the load).

When my computer loads up, I usually get 2 little avatars, one with my name directly beside it, and one that was something like... "guest". I will usually then click on my avatar, it will then ask me my password, and then - huzzuh - commence startup! Instead, this time there were no 2 avatars - but one slot that asked my name, and another that asked my password. I type my name and password - nothing. I then attempted every sort of password and name combination I ever would have had on the computer - but to no avail.

I should also make mention that the majority of my personal belongings, along with my system... boot disk, is all in storage in another city (currently inbetween houses).

At this point I decide to seek professional help - so I go onto the Apple website and help forums. There - someone tells me to hold down... what was it... apple + S? It takes you to what looks like a mac version of "DOS", entering commands and whatnot.
(sorry about the lack of proper terms)
They tell me to type in this series of commands:

mount -uw /
mv /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb.old
mv /var/db/.AppleSetupDone /var/db/.AppleSetupDone.old

And apparently this will help me move everything from my old home folder, to my new one. So I enter the list of commands, all goes smoothly. I startup my computer again and after taking quite awhile to boot up (oh well, no big deal), it now asks me what language I'd like to start up in (great! now we're getting somewhere!), and a 'load bar' pops up. I watch in excitement (this is getting to be like some sort of steamy mac romance novel, eh?) as the lovely aqua blue gets longer and longer, knowing that soon, i'll be able to get back onto my HD and once again muck around in Final Cut... then... all of a sudden... it freezes.


I've rebooted my computer several times
Left it off for nights @ a time
And now its all the same thing.

What language?

Anyone got a word or 2 of advice?
I called one of the mac stores around here, and they want 60 bux for a new boot disk! I remember when they'd just lend 'em to ya. (aaaa! If I had 60 bucks to my name - you know what I'd do with it? Id treat myself to some actual groceries! This is murder on students I tell ya!)

Thanks everyone.
The last time you used your computer- did you delete any unusual files? Did you install any new hardware? Did you do anything out of the ordinary? My dad once had the bright idea to "orginize" my mom's files on her laptop- in doing so, he deleted some important system files that made the iBook go haywire. It took several days to fix, and that iBook will never be the same.
Nope, nothing out of the ordinary.

Last time my computer was on,
I watched the news on realplayer off of democracynow.org
did some photo editing on photoshop
checked my email
chatted on msn
posted in a couple forums
turned the computer off

Pretty much the same thing I do every morning with coffee.

Also - I'm using... I think os x 10.4

Anything suggested to me on this board I can try asap aswell. My 'out of comission' mac is right beside this here fully opperational pc.
Unfortunately this here PC doesnt have all my files and final cut. >.<
But helpful for the fixing process I suppose.
Sorry- I have no idea whats wrong. There are people on the forum that probably can help you out, but I have no idea. If your still under warrenty, I'd try contacting apple via telephone support.
Warrenty dried up months ago I'm afraid.

Thanks for giving it a shot anyway ^.^

*waves arms frantically* anybody else?