Locked Volume?


So I downloaded this application, Boink, so I could rightfully reclaim the music I bought on my old computer (a windows, regretfully, that my sister is currently using). I'm not nearly rich enough right now to own an iPod (I've got something like three weeks of music on the thing--I'd need quite a few trips with a nano or one big ol' 80 gig, neither of which I can afford at the moment). So I finally find this program from which I can get my stuff. I sign up, download, and as soon as I click on the little Install Boink! logo, I get a message from my little Stuffit Expander saying I can't open the file because it is on a locked volume.

I set permissions to myself. And that didn't work.

What else can I do to fix this? Should I download an alternate expander program? Am I lost?