Find the appropriate log file that contains the information you are seeking and then bust out that oh so cool terminal app that has been overlooked by so many.
Lets assume that the we want to look in /var/log/SYSLOG for the ssh info you are seeking.
type the following
cat /var/log/SYSLOG | grep sshd
This will find everyline of that file that has anything to do with sshd.
But wait, it scrolled so fast I missed some of it. Hmmm, lets redirect that output into a file so that you can peruse it at your leisure...
cat /var/log/SYSLOG | grep sshd > sshd.results
This will take all the stuff that scrolled by so quickly and put it into a file called sshd.results. That grep feature is a very useful and powerful tool. Check out the man page for all of its nifty switches.