"Log in from Windows?" Huh?


Licensed Computer Geek
If you edit a user's details from the Accounts preferences, there's a checkbox labeled "Allow user to log in from Windows." What on earth does this do exactly?
it allows this user to connect using SMB from a windows machine so that they can browse your machine like a windows based PC.
Except it doesn't work(I think it's XP and not OS X) because it says that the username/password is wrong.

The reason I think it's XP and not OS X that is to blame is because XP wants the username to be host\user instead of just user and OS X wants just user for the username.
Ah, so it's basically to allow the user to access more than just the publicly available SMB shares. That makes sense.
I had the same problem about not being able to log on to my OSX Machine from a XP Box at work, and vice versa as well (As far as I remember).

Take a look at this hint: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20020826014630791

It essentially says you have to change your password in SystemPrefs/Accounts one time because of changes made in password saving from X.1.5 to Jaguar.

Just change your password to something else and then change it back immediately, so you don't have to remember a new pwd. That fixed it for me.

Even entering the old pwd as new pwd in the first hand is said to work.

btw: Do this for every account on your machine.

have fun
Thanks Bratwurst! That worked perfectly.

Now when I'm forced to use my XP machine I can still access my files on my Mac :)

Oh, do you know how to share the whole drive instead of just ~/ ?