Logic Board on G4/466 tower is toast


Apparently my logic board is toast on my G4/466 tower. They want $380 for the board and $80 for labor.

What should I do. Anyone have one for sale? Should I retire the box? Is it really the logic board?

The box would boot and run fine, then put garbage (code lookin stuff) across the screen and shutdown. Then it wouldn't boot. Then after waiting a bit it would boot sometimes. Then run for a bit. Then do it again.

The machine is 17 months old. Any suggestions?

it may be the video card, and it could very well be the logic board, if it is....then you are out of luck. You'll need to cough up cash unless you find one online and do it yourself, which wouldn't be that hard in all reality. Try to see if you can find one online :)
First, did you get the Apple Hardware Test CD? Boot with that and let it run.
Have you installed anything lately? Like memory chips? I know some one who had the exact same trouble as you do. It was the RAM chip that was installed. Removed the chip and the problem was gone.

You could check out www.shrevesystem.com
They have parts for all kinds of Mac models. They helped me out with a logic board for a real oldie.
I've also seen a few on ebay. You might want to check that out.
Not too sure about prices though. They seem to have gone pretty expensive before.