Logon password-don't have it.


Hey guys, I am new to macs. I have plenty of experiance with pc's though. Well my brother-in law gave me a Blue-white G3 or G4, can't remember, anyway, he bid on a bunch of them from his kids school and they didn't erase the logon password.

In this situation on pc's I have an ERD password recovery disk. What do you think is the best way to go?
If it's an OS X system, boot from the Install Disk and under one of the Menus there's a Reset Password command.

If it's an OS 9 system, boot from the OS disc and trash the Multi User Preference file.
I should have mentioned I only have the tower and moniter. I had to go buy a keyboard. So, no boot disk.
wipe the computer's HD and then go buy OS9 or OSX on ebay.

that is all i can tell you to do

well, you could get this: http://ubuntulinux.org

totally free, just have them send you a pressed disk(NO S&H AND NO COST)

good stuff. i promise
depends where your brother in law is, but you could ask the school to reset the passwords, they did, after all, sell them and should be accountible if they are unusable.
I'm shocked that the school didn't supply the CDs that came with those Macs. I'd be scared to see the hack of a network the tech there might be running as well. :confused:
Hah! our school is the same way.(windoze school)

we got some macs finally tho(7 Intel iMacs)

i am in the process of networking them now.
(i am a student)
Alas, the admin is a dumbass