Looking for a basic Paint type programe.


Hey it's the newbe again. A update on my end is I'm doing fine with my eMac, it is becoming much more easier each day to use it. :D Oh! Yeah my question. I'm looking for a basic paint programe and can dowload or something. Nothing in the ranks of Photoshop just a simple paint prgrame were I can take my scaned pictures and cut and paste things I need. Can anyone list something?
Well, the emac should have AppleWorks that has a fairly basic paint and draw program. For touchups and other effects graphic converter works wonders. Corel has some pretty inexpensive products if you don't want to spend a couple hundred on illustrator or photoshop.

Two great places to look for freeware and shareware apps would be either versiontracker.com or apples software page at http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/
Apple Works huh? Sounds like just what I need. Though I never run acroos that programe yet. How can I find out if I have it or not?
Ok. Just checked. I don't have it for whatever reason. I will see if I can download it of Apple's site. Unless someone has a different idea.
it's a pay program if it doesn't come with your mac. about $80. although it will give you a lot of what you seem to be looking for. i use mine quite often. but i also use graphic converter alot too - more for photos and web art than creating.
hmmm, i thought that the emac had Appleworks installed on it... strange. Is this a used or new machine?
Mine is a new eMac. I'll do the Graphic Converter since it's free. I'll be saving up for photoshop but need something else for the moment. One more thing. This is free right?
Try to search for Appleworks (search: type apple+F in Finder, or click upperleft in the Finder on "File" and then "Find". Cause maybe you accidently moved the app...
check your other applications install disks. maybe it didn't get preloaded by some chance.

and GC is actually shareware but you can use it for free as long as you like - just a slight delay in launching it.

Have you looked in the 'Applications(Mac OS 9)' folder for Appleworks? It HAS to be there somewhere, because you bought it along with the eMac!

Applications install disks? You talking about all those CD-Roms I got with the eMac? I have two in my hand right now. One is eMac Mac OS X Install Disc 1 and the other is Install Disc 2. Is that what you are talking about?

dktrickey, uh? No I havn't. I'm not sure how to also.

I have a feeling whoever you bought it from erased the HD. Unless those are software restore disks for the emac then you won't have Appleworks on there. Install disk 2 would probably be the delveloper disk, i'm assuming.
I got it from a Apple store though this one was returned by it's first owner because of a problem. Where they had it fixed and I bought it. *Saved $200-$300 in that deal* so yeah I think the ND was delected. I have all the Software Restore disk 1-5. I'll put in 2 and see what it does.

Hey guys I'm reading the "read file" on Restore Disk 1. It says "To restore you computer's original cotents: Make sure you are using Mac OS X v10.2." Would it hurt to go ahead since I'm using Mac OS X v.10.4 or should I go all the way back to v10.2?
you're meaning that you have 10.2.4 correct?
If that's the case you should have no problems in restoring the software that came on the computer.