looking for a good ftp server that supports ratios

trying it out tonight...
I found a precompiled binary of proftpd on versiontracker, but it doesn't have any of the modules compiled in....So I'm assuming I'm going to have to compile from source to include the ratio_mod.
alright, i'm having some problems with pureftpd. it compiled and installed fine [i used --with-everything]

But I cant get virutal accounts to work!

[darklotus:/usr/sbin] root# pure-pw useradd test -u reloaded -g admin -d /Users/reloaded
Enter it again:
[darklotus:/usr/sbin] root# pure-pw show test

Login : test
Password : _.../cDo0xW3dflYZKVA
UID : 501 (reloaded)
GID : 80 (admin)
Directory : /Users/reloaded/./
Full name :
Download bandwidth : 0 Kb (unlimited)
Upload bandwidth : 0 Kb (unlimited)
Max files : 0 (unlimited)
Max size : 0 Mb (unlimited)
Ratio : 0:0 (unlimited:unlimited)
Allowed local IPs :
Denied local IPs :
Allowed client IPs :
Denied client IPs :
Time restrictions : 0000-0000 (unlimited)
Max sim sessions : 0 (unlimited)

[darklotus:/usr/sbin] root#

but when I try and log in as test, I get "Authentication Failed"
Anonymous login and System accounts can log in with no problem. I changed the ftp line in /etc/inetd.conf to read:
ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd pure-ftpd
Assuming you set everything else up right, you need to actually enable virtual users when starting pure-ftpd. See http://www.pureftpd.org/README.Virtual-Users near the bottom in the "ENABLING VIRTUAL USERS" section. I admit that first getting virtual users working wasn't the easiest thing, but once you get it it's no problem. I used to use NcFTPd, but the user monitoring doesn't work under Darwin, and the writer doesn't seem to have any motivation to get it working.

Good luck.
i figured it was something dumb like that. I guess I was looking inthe wrong place.

/usr/local/sbin/pure-ftpd -lpuredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb &

is what i have in my inetd.conf file now.

When I add or delete a user via pure-pw I then have to pure-pw mkdb before the changes take effect. Is this correct?

Also, do you know of a way to show all virtual users?
Thanks for all of your help.
Originally posted by Fahrvergnuugen
When I add or delete a user via pure-pw I then have to pure-pw mkdb before the changes take effect. Is this correct?

Yes, I believe that's correct so the virtual user password database is updated.

Also, do you know of a way to show all virtual users?
Thanks for all of your help.

Not sure. Look in the docs or maybe the help file for the command.